
Business Applications

We take business management and development to a new level


We support you at all phases of change

We are here to support you through every step of the change. Identifying your needs and challenges together creates the foundation for joint activities. We are experts in remodeling processes and both application and data architecture. We implement new, custom application solutions, new working methods and support you as you adopt new ways of working, keeping the employee experience in the center.     

We bring data visible in an easily understandable form, enabling better decision-making. Our experts can serve as sparring partners and development experts for your reporting and analytics team, or they can take responsibility for the full reporting process from start to finish. We always build solutions in accordance with best practices. Our experienced team has been praised especially for its high-quality implementations and customer-oriented approaches.

Challenges that bring out the best in us

A genuine interest towards our clients’ business enables smart solutions that help achieve business goals and make life easier for employees.


Develop business processes with smart solutions

Mapping the current state and challenges and modelling new business processes together with the employees enable the best possible solution.

We are experts in Microsoft technologies and help you choose the tools and solutions that meet your needs, and that people not only can use, but also love to use.


Focus on what is relevant and automate routine tasks

Power Platform is your solution for streamlining processes, digitalisation and automating routine tasks. Include the development of applications that improve the productivity of work in your business and day-to-day practice.

Improve the employee experience and give your employees a chance to focus on what is relevant.


Digitise business areas and get your data where it is needed

Gain an extensive understanding of how your organisation operates and get the needed data to the right place at the right time. Dynamics 365 technology allows you to modernise sales, marketing and customer service processes into one solution.

Ensure the best possible customer experience with comprehensive customer insight.


Make better decisions by utilising data appropriately

Do not be left alone with your reporting solutions. We will discover your needs and implement customer-oriented Power BI solutions. We can join your organisation’s team and help you overcome challenges, or further develop and maintain what you already have.

We build cloud-based data warehouses, in addition to Azure Data Platform, when necessary – because Power BI on its own is simply not always enough.  

Want to know more?

We're happy to tell! Give us a call, send us a message, or contact us using the form.

Minna Marttinen Meltlake

Minna Marttinen

Business Applications Lead

Eveliina Ormio Meltlake

Eveliina Ormio

Business Applications Sales

eveliina.ormio@meltlake.com+358 50 4081512
Get in touch

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