60.1699° N

Modern Work

Enable a smooth working day for everyone

24.9384° E

Forerunners of Modern Work at your service

We at Meltlake develop internal communication services, modern work environments and working methods using service design tools. Successful change begins with matching the needs of the business and the employees and designing ways to enable a better employee experience. We put the new approaches into practice while unlocking the opportunities offered by technology. Effective utilisation of the Microsoft 365 environment makes for a smooth day at work for each and every employee.

The modern work team at Meltlake consists of experienced experts who share a passion for designing and developing modern working methods and digital work environments. Teamwork, openness and professionalism are the cornerstones of our work. Our solid experience and hands-on projects have provided us with an insight into what steps should be taken to achieve the target outcomes and the desired changes in the working culture.

Take the next step towards modern work with us

No two organisations are the same, and there is no one right way to make your way towards modern work. Whether you have already traveled a long way or are just getting started, we can give you a boost along the way.


Enable change with Modern Work Coach°

Our Modern Work Coach supports your organisation going through change. We help you achieve the goals set together while working with you every step of the way towards modern work.

Modern Work Coach° serves as a link between the management and the employees and between technology and people. The Coach provides training, advice,instruction, guidance and suggestions, listens to you and is there whenever you need help.


Controlled shift towards new with the Modern Work Roadmap

Mapping the current state, engaging employees, validating and prioritising challenges, inspiring and innovating opportunities together produces results. We combine service design methods with the best practices from hundreds of projects and the opportunities provided by the latest Microsoft technologies.

As a result, you receive a controlled plan and clear steps towards modern work and smooth (work) routines.


Develop internal communication and modernise your intranet

The time when SharePoint was the synonym of intranet is over. We provide modern intranet solutions for developing comprehensive communication:SharePoint + Teams + Viva Connections.

We can work with you, for example, to conduct a needs assessment for internal communication, create user paths and conduct a preliminary study of the intranet for the purpose of tendering. We offer you the full package based on our experience of hundreds of intranets: from conceptualisation to state-of-the-art technical implementation, continuous support and coaching content producers.


Support teamwork and reforming ways of work

Did you know that you are probably only using a small part of the features offered by Teams? Take your use of Teams to the next level with our participatory Co-Creation model, allowing your teams to enjoy the benefits of new technologies in their day-to-day work.

The Modern Work Coach creates and develops team rules. The Coach examines team communication and cooperation and tackles any challenges together with the team. Smooth work improves the employee experience, makes employees more committed and enhances the operations of the entire organisation.  

Interested to know more?

We're happy to tell! Give us a call, send us a message, or contact us using the form.

Karoliina Kettukari Meltlake

Karoliina Kettukari

Modern Work Lead

Microsoft MVP

Jarkko Lainio Meltlake

Jarkko Lainio

Modern Work Sales

jarkko.lainio@meltlake.com+358 50 0838337
Get in touch

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